Free Market Evaluation
As a free, no-obligation service to anyone interested in selling their property, Masters Realty is pleased to provide a Market Evaluation of your property. Our free Market Evaluation goes much farther than any evaluation service provided by other real estate agents. Rather than simply doing a search in the multiple list service for properties that they represent as being “comparable” to your property and then emailing you a “List Price”, at Masters Realty we believe it is in the best interests of our sellers if we provide a far more comprehensive evaluation.
At Masters Realty we begin our Market Evaluation with a no-cost home visit. We welcome the opportunity to meet the owner, take some time getting to know what their expectations are regarding the selling process, and actually touring the property with the owner. As we tour the property, we make note of the following important considerations:
Property Features
We look for such important features as the style of the home, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, parking facilities, lot size, upgrades to the systems and living areas, etc. so that we will be comparing similar homes to that of the seller.
Condition of the Property
During our tour we look to see how the property has been maintained and what, if any, repairs are necessary in order to meet the standards of most buyers. We discuss these repair issues and how they will impact the sale price of the property, and how they may be remedied.
Clutter and Cleaning
We also discuss such common issues as clutter and cleaning and suggest solutions to these problems as well. We discuss these concerns with the seller so that they can immediately begin to prepare their property for sale;
Staging and Showing the Property in its Best Light
With these major issues addressed, at Masters Realty we go into additional detail with the seller regarding the significant benefits of Staging the property for sale. We offer guidance in this area so the seller can begin looking for areas to store unwanted furniture, or how to “shop” the house for items that can be moved around to create a far more buyer-friendly home.
Minimal Cash Expenditure
At Masters Realty we are not proponents of spending a lot of money to sell a property. Our strategy is to make the current property show as well as it can, and then we work with the seller to price the property appropriately based on its current features.
Review Recent Comparable Property Sales
Only after our Home Tour when we know what the property is comprised of and the way it will be presented to buyers at the time of sale are we are finally ready to compare this property to other comparable properties that have recently sold in the vicinity of this property. While this is not a complex endeavor, it does require an understanding of the market area and the trends in this area. We present the seller with a detailed Comparative Market Analysis that draws out for the seller the details of other sales and how such sales reflect on this potential list price.
Review Current Active Comparable Properties
Again, at Masters Realty we go beyond the general Market Evaluation and present the seller with the current comparable listings that are actively on the market at this time and which will be direct competition to the sale of this seller’s property. Using both recent sales and current active properties gives the seller a full picture of what the market is like in this area.
Market Trends
Finally, while reviewing the information for sold and active listings we can draw trends that will indicate for the seller whether the price of properties in this area is going up, is stable, or is trending down. This information is very important to a seller as the decisions are made regarding when to put the property on the market and at what price.
If you are interested in having a representative of Masters Realty provide you with a Free Market Evaluation of your property, call us directly at 410-531-7078.